By Cadet Leah McPeek, 256th IBCT Public Affairs Representative
LAFAYETTE, La. – The Louisiana Army National Guard’s 256th Tiger Brigade held their Best Warrior Competition in Lafayette, La., Jan. 12, in which Soldiers throughout the brigade and state competed.
The competing Soldiers were tested on physical fitness and warrior training tasks, which included knowledge in land navigation, evaluation and performance of first aid, weapon operation and communication by tactical radio.
In addition to physical fitness and warrior training tasks, the competitors went before a board of evaluators. The board, made up of three master sergeants and a sergeant major from the brigade, judged the Soldiers on appearance and proper wear of the Army Service Uniform, the ability to communicate and knowledge of various Army topics.
Master Sgt. Tim McKnight, the non-commissioned officer in charge of the Best Warrior Competition, said, “The Best Warrior Competition challenges the top Soldiers in the brigade. The winners of today’s events embody what every Soldier should strive to be.”
This year’s honor of Best Warrior was awarded to Spc. Allen Theall for the enlisted Soldiers and Sgt. Jarryd Crowell for the non-commissioned officers.
Theall, a member of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 156th Infantry Brigade, of Abbeville, La., is a native of Erath, La.
Crowell, from Lafayette, La., is also a member of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 156th Infantry Brigade.
Both Soldiers agreed that they were challenged throughout the competition. Theall said, “There were times in the competition where I was unsure of my ability, but I kept pushing through and did my best. My hard work paid off.” Crowell encourages all Soldiers to “work hard and leave it all out there” when faced with challenges, like this competition.
The winners of the state competition will go on to compete at the regional level, and then those winners will continue on to the national competition and compete against Soldiers from throughout the Army.
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