La. Guard inducts new member to Hall of Fame

By Spc. Tarell J. Bilbo, 241st Mobile Public Affairs Detachment

NEW ORLEANS – Louisiana National Guardsmen joined family and friends to honor retired Maj. Gen. Frank M. Denton as he was inducted into the LANG Hall of Fame in Fleming Hall at Jackson Barracks in New Orleans, May 19.

“No one makes it to a ceremony like this on their own,” said Denton, a resident of New Orleans. “With gratitude and appreciation, I accept this honor.”

Denton served in a variety of command and staff positions in both the Army National Guard and Army Reserve, including artillery forward observer, engineer and infantry platoon leader, engineer company commander and commander of Special Forces Alpha and Bravo Detachments.

Along with a certificate commemorating this milestone, a portrait of Denton was unveiled, which will join the other 16 Hall of Fame members in Fleming Hall.

Brig. Gen. Glenn H. Curtis, the adjutant general of the LANG, spoke highly of Denton’s work ethic and accomplishments.

“I congratulate and thank you for what you did,” said Curtis. “Most great leaders leave a legacy, and the legacy you’ve established went on to help units in their success on deployments.”

The LANG Hall of Fame was established to honor former LANG members who distinguished themselves in their military and civilian endeavors. To be eligible for admission to the Hall of fame, a nominee must have at least five years of creditable service in the LANG and have served faithfully and honorably as an officer, warrant officer or enlisted member.
