La. Guard pays it forward while helping one of their own

By Staff Sgt. Noshoba Davis, Louisiana National Guard Public Affairs Office

PINEVILLE, La. – Since 1970, January has been recognized as National Blood Donor Month, and the Louisiana Army National Guard is stepping up with multiple replenishment drives for one of their own, a LAARNG Soldier who was recently diagnosed with Acute Promyeloid Leukemia.

Two LAARNG chief warrant officers, who wish to remain anonymous, have stepped up to help organize multiple replenishment blood drives through LifeShare’s Blood Center of Baton Rouge and Our Lady of Lourdes Blood Donor Center in Lafayette.

Coordinating these drives is a way to show the Soldier that the fight is not individual and to help others who may need blood.

The first replenishment blood drive was recently completed at the Armed Forces Reserve Center in Baton Rouge on January 11.

“These replenishment drives are important because they not only help the person who everyone is giving on behalf of, but others who will need blood,” said Torrence Brown, a LifeShare regional director.

Brown explained that every unit of whole blood given can potentially save three lives, while the ALYX donations, which collect two units of red blood cells instead of one, can potentially save six lives.

These replenishment drives allow Soldiers to give on behalf of those in need of blood. LifeShare’s Replenishment Program will help offset some of the associated costs of blood products while helping restore the community’s blood supply.

“For every unit of whole blood, LifeShare gives $15 towards the beneficiary patient’s blood usage and $30 for each ALYX donation,” said Brown. “It won’t necessarily cover all of the patient’s bills when it comes to blood usage, but it helps.”

After the first blood drive, LifeShare received 35 units of the 40-unit goal for the replenishment drive.


The goal is to receive 40 units per blood drive and with two more replenishment blood drives planned; January 20 atthe Louisiana National Guard Armory in Abbeville and February 4 at the LANG armory in Lafayette.

One of the warrant officers stated that the ability to save lives by donating blood is very rewarding and that she will continue to donate because there is always a need for blood donations.