By Spc. Duncan Foote, Louisiana National Guard Public Affairs Office
NEW ORLEANS – The Louisiana National Guard’s 1083rd Transportation Company, 165th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 139th Regional Support Group, bid farewell to family and friends during an official departure ceremony at Airline High School in Bossier City, Louisiana, on June 24.
The Minden, Louisiana based unit is mobilizing more than 160 Soldiers to Kuwait to conduct line-haul operations in support of Operation Spartan Shield. Line-haul operations can support full-spectrum operations, from major combat operations to stability operations and civil support.
The official party for the ceremony included Maj. Gen. Keith Waddell, the LANG adjutant general, Capt. Bryan Bailey, company commander of the 1083rd, Command Sgt. Maj. Clifford Ockman, the LANG command senior enlisted leader, and 1st Sgt. Christopher Davis, first sergeant of the 1083rd.
“You took an oath to support and defend our country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and your service enables the preservation of our freedoms and other constitutional rights,” said Waddell. “I ask each of you to look out for one another, be safe, be excellent every day and listen and respect your teammates.”
Waddell went on to commend the Soldiers on their performance during premobilization training at Louisiana National Guard Training Center – Pineville.
“When I came out and visited, I saw nothing but great things, great leadership and great performance,” said Waddell.
The deploying unit consists of Soldiers who are organic to the unit, as well as several volunteers from across the state.
“I have never seen a more highly motivated group of individuals, and I hear it in their voices every time they sound off with our motto: Drive-on, Never Quit,” said Bailey. “We have quality Soldiers who want to be here and want to make a difference.”
According to Davis, premobilization training prepared the Soldiers for the types of missions the unit will conduct overseas. This training included battle drills such as reacting to contact, establishing a company headquarters and combatives. In addition to battle drill training, premobilization also allowed Soldiers to train and learn about the equipment they will use while deployed.
“It’s never easy saying goodbye to a loved one for nine months; however, I want you to know that these Soldiers are properly trained, well informed and experts in theirfield,” said Bailey. “My goal for the 1083rd is to be the best unit in Kuwait by being safe, adaptive, disciplined and professional in everything we do.”
The 1083rd will conduct mobilization training at Fort Cavazos, Texas, before deploying to Kuwait. The 1083rd comes from a historic lineage of transporters, engineers and infantrymen dating back to the 18th Century with the Royal French and Spanish Troop Colony. They were last mobilized to support emergency response operations during the COVID-19 pandemic response.