By Staff Sgt. Shaylon Walker, 1st Battalion, 199th Regiment (Regional Training Institute) Public Affairs Office
BALL, La.- Command Sgt. Maj. Marc Lua relinquished responsibility of the Louisiana National Guard’s 1st Battalion Noncommissioned Officers Academy Multi-Component Cadre Basic Leader Course, 199th Regiment (Regional Training Institute) to Command Sgt. Maj. Dorian Brumley during an official change of responsibility ceremony at Camp H. B. Cook in Ball, La., Oct. 15.
Lua has served as the commandant of the NCOA since April 2023 and is now the command group operations sergeant major.
Brumley resides in West Monroe, La., with his wife, Heather, and their two children. Over his 27-year career, Brumley has held numerous military occupational specialties and leadership positions, including first sergeant, branch chief, senior human resources NCO and operations sergeant major for the 225th Engineer Brigade.
Col. Kevin James, commander of the 199th Regiment (RTI), presided over the ceremony and praised both Lua and Brumley for their leadership. He expressed gratitude to Lua, saying, “A sincere thank you for a job well done. I am confident that you are prepared and will excel at your new role at the state level as the command group operations sergeant major.”
Turning to Brumley, James said, “Bestowed upon you is the responsibility and authority to lead this unique organization and maintain the high standards expected from a command sergeant major. Lead well. Only the most capable and accomplished NCOs are given this opportunity, and I have the fullest confidence you will excel in this endeavor.”
In his first address as commandant, Brumley said to Lua, “Thank you for setting the standard and for maintaining the high morale of these Soldiers and professional NCOs.”
In a time-honored tradition known as the passing of the organizational colors, Lua received the battalion colors from 1st Sgt. Josue Fonseca and passed them to James, symbolizing his relinquishment of responsibility. James then handed the colors to Brumley, marking the beginning of Brumley’s leadership. Finally, Brumley returned the colors to Fonseca, completing the ceremony.
In his farewell remarks, Lua said, “As I stand here for the last time as the commandant of this prestigious NCO Academy, I am filled with gratitude, pride and a deep sense of humility. It has been the honor of my career to lead such a remarkable group of men and women who embody the values of duty, honor and service.”
The 1st Battalion Noncommissioned Officers Academy, 199th Regiment (RTI), located at Camp H. B. Cook in Ball, Louisiana, is a full-time Noncommissioned Officers Education System training center. Since 1992, it has trained Soldiers under the multi-component concept. The multi-component cadre for the Basic Leader Course supports the One Army School System by providing institutional training within the Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development System, based on requirements identified by the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, the NCO Leadership Center of Excellence, the U.S. Army, and the National Guard.