By Staff Sgt. David C. Kirtland, Louisiana National Guard Public Affairs Office
NEW ORLEANS – The Louisiana National Guard’s 1021st Vertical Engineer Construction Company said farewell to family and friends during an official deployment ceremony in Covington, May 25.
The Covington-based unit is mobilizing more than 40 Guardsmen to the Central Command Area of Responsibility in support of Operations Spartan Shield to perform engineer construction operations.
“To our Guardsmen who are deploying, thank you for being part of the one percent of the United States population who serve our country,” said Brig. Gen. Michael Greer, assistant adjutant general of the LANG. “You took an oath to support and defend our Nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Your service today is the preservation of our democracy.”
The official party for the ceremony included Greer; 1st Lt. Larin Stewart, platoon leader of the 1021st; Command Sgt. Maj. Clifford Ockman, the LANG command senior enlisted leader; and 1st Sgt. Leswin Dheming, platoon sergeant of the deploying 1021st members.
“We have prepared ourselves for this mobilization for the last nine months,” said Stewart. “I know that we are ready for what lies ahead, and I am so proud of how far we’ve come.”
The 1021st will conduct mobilization training at Fort Bliss in Texas before embarking on their nine-month deployment.
This will be the 1021st’s second overseas deployment since 9/11. This unit is also a key part of state emergency operations and has provided support for many state emergencies.