La. National Guard holds honors family volunteers, groups

By Spc. Madalyn McQuillan, Louisiana National Guard Public Affairs Office

BATON ROUGE, La. – The Louisiana National Guard’s Service Member and Family Programs hosted their annual state family workshop and awards ceremony for the Soldier and Family Readiness Group volunteers in Baton Rouge, June 4.

The weekend’s events included training, planning and recognition of key volunteer team representatives, commanders, SFRG volunteers and command family readiness representatives. The workshop focused on communication, networking, information sharing and connecting people with resources.

“I can truly say I stand before a room full of heroes … I stand before a room of very elite people,” said Maj. Gen. Lee Hopkins, assistant adjutant general of the LANG and guest speaker for the SFRG luncheon. “You have chosen to serve. This is a team effort … not just a team of people who wear the uniform but of the people who support us.”

The awards categories for Air National Guard and Army National Guard included:

• Family Readiness of the Year awarded to 2-156th Alpha Co.

• Family Readiness Volunteer of the Year awarded to Andy Miguez C Co., 199th Brigade Support Battalion

• 2022 Air National Guard Family Readiness Volunteer of the Year awarded to Candice Boyt of the 122nd Air Support Operations Squadron

• 2022 Army Family of the Year Award, awarded to the Boykin Family from the 927th Engineer Co.

• 2022 Air Family of the Year Award, awarded to the McMillon Family of the 159th Fighter Wing

• 2022 Army National Guard Newsletter / Social Media of the Year awarded to the 1021st Engineer Vertical Construction Co.

• The Lagniappe Letter of Appreciation awarded to Kennedy Brossett


• Community Partner Award recipients are Ryder Tree Farm and Bottom Line Equipment, LLC


• NGB Region 6 Volunteer of the Year Award recipient is Tabitha Hymel

SFRGs, formerly known as Family Readiness Groups, are integral parts of military life. Soldier and Family Readiness provides both readiness and assistance to service members and families by maintaining the continuity and stability of SFRGs through training, administrative and logistical support to commanders and SFRG volunteers.

“The importance of the state family workshop cannot be understated; we must do all we can to maintain our volunteers.” Command Sgt. Maj. Larry J. Johnson, Jr. “To all of you who are here and dedicate time to your units and family, we are grateful. We gather here annually with a common goal in mind, a goal to honor our shared service and to gather tools.”

The empowering agency encourages and supplies families the tools needed for problem solving on a personal level, to include medical benefits, emergency financial assistance, veterans affairs information and community capacity building.