By Staff Sgt. David C. Kirtland, Louisiana National Guard Public Affairs Office
NEW ORLEANS – The Louisiana National Guard’s 2nd Battalion,199th Regiment (Regional Training Institute), welcomed incoming commander, Lt. Col. Kenneth D. Paul during a change of command ceremony at LANG’s Training Center Pineville in Pineville, La., Dec 2.
“This is a very special milestone of my career in the Louisiana Army National Guard,” said Paul, who graduated from this battalion through OCS [Officer Candidate School] 21 years ago. “I am honored to serve alongside some of the finest instructors, staff and leaders in the Nation.”
During the ceremony, 1st Sgt. Donald Kogel passed the battalion colors to the outgoing commander, Lt. Col. Brent J. Lewis, who then passed the colors to Maj. Gen. Keith Waddell, adjutant general of the LANG, in a symbolic gesture of relinquishing responsibility of the battalion. Waddell then passed the colors to Paul.
“I am truly humbled by the awesome responsibility of this post and look forward to serving the professional Soldiers of this battalion, no matter what challenges lay ahead,” said Paul.
Paul previously served as the commander of the LANG Joint Force Headquarters’ Detachment, as well as the S3, current operations officer, with the 199th Brigade Support Battalion during Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn. Paul has worked for LANG Education Programs for 17 years, where he has served as the activities coordinator, deputy director and director for the Youth Challenge Program at LANG Training Center Pineville, the deputy director for the Gillis W. Long YCP program and operations manager for the Headquarters – LANG Ed Programs. He currently serves as the director of LANG Ed Programs.
“[Lt. Col. Paul] is the perfect fit. He has a lot of experience in leading people, and I have no doubts that his results with the 2-199th are going to be positive,” Waddell.
Lewis, who assumed command of 2-199th in December of 2021, was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal in recognition of his service to the 2-199th and the LANG.
“The satisfaction of leading an organization that trains our future professionals has been multiplied exponentially,” said Lewis. “In my opinion, the success of a good leader is dependent on the quality of subordinates, peers and superiors alike.”
Second Battalion is charged with providing the Officer Candidate School, Platoon Trainer Qualification Course, Tactical Certification Course, Pre-Warrant Officer Candidate Course, Basic Motor Transport Operator Course, Basic Horizontal Construction Engineer Course, Basic Carpentry and Masonry Engineer Course and the Basic Military Police Course.