La. National Guardsmen return home on Independence Day

130704-Z-RG802-047BATON ROUGE, La. –The Louisiana National Guard, along with family and friends, welcomed home members of the 756th Area Support Medical Company at the Gillis W. Long Center in Carville, July 4.


Based out of Carville, more than 65 Soldiers returned just in time for the holiday weekend from Afghanistan while in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Deployed since September 2012, the unit supported six sites in the cities of Bagram and Kabul where they provided emergency medical, sick call, dental, ancillary and medevac services.


The 756th ASMC is organized into three platoons: Treatment, Ambulance and Headquarters. It is comprised of medical occupation specialties such as surgeons, doctors, physician assistants, nurses, combat medics, radiology technicians, dental technicians, and vehicle and generator mechanics.


After leaving Louisiana last year, the 756th conducted mobilization training at Fort Hood, Texas, before deploying overseas.


The 756th has previously provided support during numerous emergency operations, including Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav, and Ike; Operation Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in 2010; and flood response and recovery operations along the Mississippi River.