by 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs
HATTIESBURG, Miss. – Louisiana National Guard Soldiers from 3rdBattalion, 156th Infantry Regiment, 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, headquartered in Lake Charles, La., are conducting annual training at Camp Shelby, Miss., May 31 – June 14.
The entire brigade traveled to Camp Shelby to give the troops an extended opportunity to refine their military skill sets in and out of the field, preparing them for any potential state or federal deployment. This allows Soldiers to engage in real world simulations on a large scope of operations.
The brigade is made up of units across the state of Louisiana including: 3rdBattalion, 156th Infantry Regiment headquartered in Lake Charles, La., 2ndBattalion, 156thInfantry Regiment headquartered in Abbeville, La., 1stBattalion, 141st Field Artillery Regiment in New Orleans, 199th Special Troops Battalion in Plaquemine, La., 2nd Squadron, 108th Cavalry Regiment in Shreveport, La., and the 199th Brigade Support Battalion in Alexandria, La. The brigade’s headquarters is located in Lafayette, La.