Louisiana Guard Engineers participate in warfighter exercise

By 1st. Lieutenant Jamie Green, Louisiana National Guard Public Affairs Office

PINEVILLE, La. – The Louisiana Army National Guard’s 225th Engineer Brigade, headquartered in Pineville, participated in a warfighter exercise at Fort Stewart, Georgia, Oct. 31 – Nov. 15.

Warfighter is a simulation-driven, tactical command post-exercise designed to assess unit capabilities with computer simulation to provide combat and battlefield scenarios. It tests the ability to coordinate and communicate in functional skill areas such as command and control, movement and maneuver, intelligence, targeting processes, sustainment and protection.

More than 120 Guardsmen participated in Warfighter Exercise 23-2 under the XVIII Airborne Corps and overseen by the Mission Command Training Program that provided immediate feedback on staff functions and processes by assigning Observer, Coach/Trainers (OC/Ts) to observe the staff and command team.

“It’s motivating to observe your team performing at an elite level that showcases the capabilities of the Castle Brigade,” said Col. Greg St. Romain, commander of the 225th. “Every aspect of this training exercise was challenging; however, the Soldiers of this brigade rose to that challenge. They are a proven unit that has a shared understanding of the mission and understands where and when to provide support to multiple units at multiple levels.”

Challenges were introduced throughout the exercise to test the readiness and personnel. The 225th Engineer Brigade utilized decisive action training to improve coordination and synchronization and promote teamwork. This provided the opportunity to achieve mission success by encouraging the staff to work as a team and develop warfighting roles.

“The training was different from what we do during our regular drills,” said Spc. Michael Williams, a bridge crewmember in the 225th. “I feel like it helped us get better at communicating during different types of missions both in a war or when we are responding to natural disasters at home.”