Whereas, Since 1986, Army installations around the world have celebrated the Month of the Military Child throughout the month of April, recognizing the sacrifices and applauding the courage of military children; and
Whereas, each day, military children experience unique challenges, which they face with resilience and dignity beyond their years; and
Whereas, it is essential to recognize that military children do make a significant contribution to our Nation through understanding and supporting their military parents who often work long hours and make numerous deployments when called upon; and
Whereas, military children contribute to their families by providing a source of strength and providing a sense of responsibility for those who protect our Nation; and
Whereas, military children are the source of pride and honor that Americans have regarding their soldiers’ support to the Nation, it is fitting to recognize our military children’s contributions and celebrate their spirit; and
Whereas, our men and women in uniform can focus on the missions and challenges ahead when they know that their children are safe and secure; and
Whereas, the Army strives to provide a safe and nurturing environment for military children enabling our soldiers to have peace of mind and thus be a stronger and more ready and resilient fighting force; and
Whereas, the Month of the Military Child reinforces this concept and allows us to take stock in, and recognize that our soldiers’ children also play an important role in support of their parents, and thus, the Nation.
Now, Therefore; I, MG D. Keith Waddell, Adjutant General for Louisiana National Guard, do hereby proclaim April 2022 as MONTH OF THE MILITARY CHILD in the State of Louisiana.
We ask that all Louisiana National Guard personnel and their families join us in our efforts to celebrate the month of the Military Child.