Shreveport Guardsman named top regional recruiter

By Staff Sgt. Garrett Dipuma, Louisiana National Guard Public Affairs Office

NEW ORLEANS – Sgt. Christian Knoll, a 24-year-old Louisiana Army National Guardsman (LAARNG) originally from Shreveport, Louisiana, was named the top National Guard recruiter in the Strength Maintenance Advisory Group for region five for fiscal year 2022.

“We are extremely proud of Sgt. Knoll’s accomplishments,” said Col. Marc Prymek, LAARNG Recruiting and Retention commander. “His true talent is helping his applicants understand the value of service and clear life direction while reaping the education, financial, insurance and job skill benefits of the Louisiana National Guard.”

Knoll tied for the National Guard’s top production recruiter with 35 enlistments under his belt from Oct. 2021 – Sep. 2022. He was selected to represent region five, which consists of Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska and Texas in a board hosted by the National Guard Bureau to determine the top recruiter in the Director’s 54 in the coming months. The winner of the Director’s 54 will be announced at the Director’s Strength Maintenance Awards Conference in March.

“My favorite part about being a recruiter is that I get to help young men and women find opportunities to achieve their goals while I help our community,” he said. “I enlisted to serve my state and for college tuition benefits, and now I can help others meet their goals.”

Knoll enlisted in 2017 as a military police officer during his second semester of college and made the move to recruiting in Jan. 2021.

“He works harder than anyone I’ve ever worked with,” said Staff Sgt. Joshua Pate, Knoll’s team leader. “One of his best attributes is his no-quit attitude. I hope he stays in recruiting for a long time.”

Knoll primarily works in Shreveport and recruits in the general area of Caddo Parish. As a recruiter, he facilitates almost every step of the process from talking to potential recruits to bringing them to swear into the military.

“I believe I am so successful as a recruiter because of how relatable I am,” said Knoll. “I grew up in the town that I’m recruiting in, and I am extremely passionate about the Louisiana National Guard.”